Thursday, November 18, 2010

November's Featured Artist: Marti Williams

Our featured artist this month is the a-z crafter, the fabulous Marti Williams!  Marti is a jack of all trades, and crafts tirelessly, coming up with a new project every 10 seconds.  She's also a very active member of the local artist group, Handmade in Vegas, and aids in team leadership to connect artists all over the Vegas metropolitan area.  You can find her online shop at Happy Bug Designs

Here's Marti's explanation of her crafting craze:
I have the crafting form of ADD, known as CADD. I find myself working furiously on a project, sometimes from dawn to dusk. And then the next day, when I need to finish up with the project, I see something shiny, sitting over in the corner of my craft room. It beckons me. I try my hardest to concentrate on the project at hand, but alas, it is no use. The shiny object calls my name, defies my resolve, and tempts me to come hither. And then I am lost. Lost again in another day of materials flying, scissors cutting, and some random gluing or taping or such. I get in a fervor, working tirelessly as I am oh-so-captivated by this new project. And then, sadly, yet gloriously, the cycle repeats itself. 
There was a time when every year I found a new craft to try. I love learning new things, and there was always a new craft on the horizon. Just waiting to get it’s tentacles wrapped around my crafting heart. And as many of you know, that means not just one or two stamps or templates, but a whole array products that will support me in mastering this new love of mine.
And now I find myself in the present, where my craft room is not just full of wonder, but also of supplies for a wide array of crafts. I find it easy to move from one project to another. My CADD allows me to move along without a hint of guilt. I know that in a week’s time, I will have moved back to the craft which I just dumped like a toddler, moving on to her friends’ toys, which always seem more shiny and new.
In my store, you will find many different items in the nooks and crannies. A pendant here, a bracelet there and fabric items woven in between. Along with all of this, you will also find the remnants of my crafting life, like treasures found on a beach. I’ve realized that while it is a happy occasion to move on to a new craft every few days as my attention travels, that I need to narrow down the places my mind has to go. It is getting older, year by year, and we can’t have it wandering too far away. It might not find it’s way home someday. So I am divesting myself of many of my craft supplies. I know that they will be able to bring inspiration to other friends that they meet. But don’t worry about me or my wandering mind. There are still plenty of opportunities to dabble….hey, what is that sparkling over in the corner, underneath the fabric shelves, next to my mosaic supplies….
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